My Brother's Huge Excitement

at 3:31 AM
Last night, which my brother's 20th birthday, me and Steve were having a video chat on skype. I was having a great time talking with him cuz it's been a while since I showed myself on cam. The bad side about it though was that I slept late and didn't able to wake up early like I always intended to. I will definitely find a way again to be able to sleep early and wake at the same early time which is 7:00 a.m. I find it very convenient to be able to wake up early and get to do a lot of things for the day.

My brother had a good birthday celebration. He had invited more than 10 of his friends. Most of them were women. I finally saw my brother's girlfriend as well but I got pissed off because she's taller than me. Made me feel how terrible my height is. :( Her name is Anna Marie. It sounded close to my aunt's name(my mother's younger sister) which is Hannah Marie. I was the one who cooked the spaghetti as usual. I wanted the spaghetti cooked well the way I wanted it to  be so I insisted on cooking it. My brother told me that alot of his friends said that it was so good. He also gave some for my neighbour Regie and she mistaken it from Jollibee because it was that good. In my brother's opinion, my spaghetti was even better than in Jollibee and I really love it when people praise my cooking so much.

Anyway, back to my chat with Steve. We chatted to almost midnight and that was also the time were his new laptop arrived. I knew how excited he was to spent time exploring it but he chose to talk to me more. He then told me that he has no use for his Macbook anymore and said he will give it to me. I asked him what am I going to do with my laptop then, he suggested to sell it but I gave an idea that I will give the Macbook to my brother because he will need it for his studies. I chose my laptop than the Macbook because I more prefer the bigger screen. When Steve agreed to it, I rushed up to our balcony were my brother and his 2 friends drinking. I told him about the great news and my brother smiled so wide and asked me twice if it's true. He's very happy and I'm glad that it wasn't yet midnight when I told him about his Macbook. It is also one of great gifts for him in his birthday. I think he felt really lucky because he had his birthday celebration which he didn't expected, and a Macbook too. His 2 friends were also smiling and seemed happy for him. Phil told me that he will message Steve in the morning to say his thanks.

When my brother woke up, he asked me to use my laptop to message Steve on facebook and add him to his friends' list. It took long because they were exchanging messages. My brother kept watching the review of Macbook over and over again which made me really amused. I'm happy for him and glad that he was grateful. It is such a good feeling to make someone happy and I know Steve also felt the same way. 

This is my cousin's daughter Chloe. She was singing Phil his birthday song.


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